Influence me how to be cool...I'll do anything.
Crazy Bonobo Love
It seems the modern ingredients for finding a mate the easiest these days are...
1. Alcohol (or any other euphoria drug).
2. Rap Music.
3. Clothes the cool kids wear.
Not for Bonobos. The discovery channel has never shown the Bonobos (species of primate) on TV before. It's because these guys are sex crazy. It would be like showing an X rated movie. They have sex for everything. The males will trade food for sex...or oral pleasure even...any action they do usually has sex involved in it. Their whole social system revolves around sex. Sound familiar? Bonobos are the fogotten primate of the world. I believe they should be studied way more than how much they are now. They say the closest human realitive is the Chimpanze. I think we've definately got some Bonobo traits in us.

I have no idea where I'm going with this post. I'm kind of frustrated at the world and it's focus on women. Everywhere you look there are images of "hot" women posted up for everyone to see. Guys see them and say "Heeeeey, she's hot, I'd like to...". It's a natural reaction for us. Ladies see the images and us with our mouths open and say "So that's what guys like...I need to be like her in the picture, so I can get a nice man...I'm so fat." It's fucked up. I'm sick of people looking at their surroundings and trying to look like "what their supposed to look like." We're all just a bunch of stupid primates with a twisted social system. Commericalism controls what most people think...and how they think of themselves. If Nelly tells you that you need to treat women like a best treat women like whores. If you don't look anything like the woman on "dancing with the stars," you might as well give up because you're ugly. Bullshit. Everyone has their own body type and best of all, personallity...there are so many good personallities out there that are locked away because "T.V. says I'm fat." I've always told one of my buddies that I like the no make-up, baggy mickey mouse shirt, just woke up from a nap look. I'm a big fan of the natural look. Is it not natural to look this way? Come on ladies, you're not fooling anyone...we know you don't really look like that naturally. But, "it makes me look pretty." You're all pretty without it. That's just my opinion. I don't like the fact that mankind has made it ok for the female to be falsely obsessed over. It sounds like I'm an extreamly conservative fuck doesn't it? Not true, I just think that we're messing up our original programming. But then again, everyone likes something differant...and we have evolved. But evolved to what?
"It sounds like I'm an extreamly conservative fuck doesn't it?" NO COMMENT AT THIS PRESENT AND TIME!
beast damn dude, that was the best blog posting so far, i totally agree with that. that's why i like watching kung-fu and naked guns with you.
kudos brotha
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