Sunday, January 22, 2006

Take me in the Morning, take me in the Rain.

This weekend has past and managed to create more tangles in my soul. Sometimes when you have this big ball of tangles and you tug on one of the tangled parts in effort to free end up freeing it somewhat...but tightening the other tangles which makes it more difficult to free the other parts. I think the best way to get out of a big ball of tangles is to gently grasp the whole thing and start to pull apart the mess. Soon, by taking a gentle approach to it all, and sort of...massaging it, you will have everything straightend out. Isolating and obsessing over the more tangled parts will only make it worse. It's a slow process and you shouldn't let it frustrate you.
I'm not in the best of moods today...I should be, but I guess it's just one of those days. One of those days that seems like the world has this big stick and won't stop poking you with it. I really have to start getting on the ball with my life. I need to do some soul searching and find out what I want out of life. I feel like I'm at a stand still.... and at times, it feels like I'm slipping backwards. I've just hit this rutt in life and it seems like it's so hard to move. I'm not a big fan of wasted time or regret, so I feel I need to act fast.....this post is going nowhere fast, haha. Yeah, I'm just gonna go ahead and stop now.


At 4:08 PM, Blogger RB said...

slow and steady wins the race beast, slow and steady


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