Sunday, June 18, 2006

So what's been new with you?

Life has been changing ever so much these last couple of weeks. Now that it's summer time and the sun is warming up all of our cold blooded friends, I'm having a feild day. I was waiting to post about everything until I could unload all of my pictures onto this computer...but for some reason this computer will not let me...and I have lost my camera charger. But, when I figure this out...I have alot of bad ass things to show off.
First! One sunny afternoon me and Neka were driving and I spotted something running on the road, I slammed on my breaks and threw it into park in the middle of the road. Neka's like "What the hell are you doing?!"
"Texas Tan!"
"Empy out your make-up bag now!!"
She was a little upset that I yelled at her...but I just got excited, my first wild caught male texas tan tarantula (anaphopelma anax....sp?). Anyway, after awhile of keeping him I got to thinking ...well my coasta rican zebra tarantula's scientific name is Anaphopelma seemanni....and the texas tan is Anaphopelma should be possible to breed them and make a new hybrid species....this of coarse, is illegal...but I've read about people doing it. Anyway, long story short I have a video of me introducing my texas tan (Ed) to my coasta rican zebra (Belle). It all ends in heartbreak for poor Ed....he was rejected as a mate but on the brightside, he was not killed and eaten! But I have the video and it's pretty freakin' sweet...they fought so aggressivly, I might have creamed my jeans just a little bit.

Work has been a son of a bitch to me lately but I've seen alot of wildlife...sometimes they make be the "wood-bitch"....I walk around the woods and cut down trees and clean out brush...not the best job in the world. But anyway, I've seen my first wild windscorpion and got quite a scare in almost being bit by a nest of brown recluses. Many people mistake other spiders for brown recluses (such as the wolf spider or the male southern house spider females southern house spiders are black)...but check the photo...the brown recluse is the only spider with a "fiddle" on it's back, and the recluse only has 6 eyes instead of 8 like most do. I ran into them when cutting up a tree that was the home of many of these little guys. I was putting the limbs on my shoulder and carrying them to a pile. Not one touched me until I put my gloves on to remove a limb and one ran out and bit my glove....I was like..Holy fuck! Brown recluse! I searched the tree and found many more. I checked myself twice for bites and found none...lucky me. The effects of a bite from these guys are pretty nasty. Here is a picture of a 4 day old bite from a recluse (Warning this pic is kind of Nasty). Their venom causes your skin to rot. Pretty cool huh?

Just the other day I was at my grandparents house and my brother Troy yells "Snake!" (I love it when that happens). So I made a mad dash towards him and find this snake coiled up in the barn door. I couldn't tell what it was right away but I told my brother to run inside and find something to put him in. While he ran in, I grabbed the little guy by the tail and thew him into the open grass to get a better look at him. He tried to slither away but I held his head down with a stick and grabbed the end of his tail with my other hand. Troy came running out with a Zip-Lock bag (come on Troy you could have found something better) and my dad joined in on the fun. Dad was like "what kind is it?" I said "Ratsnake". He took a look and said "No, this is a chicken snake. (By the way he was was a ratsnake...but in a way dad doesn't know that chicken snake and ratsnake are the same thing...just differant species of ratsnake..but I didn't argue) I handed him the end of the tail and Troy held the bag open....that didn't last Troy got scared of getting bit when we tried to put him in the I held the bag open and dad put the snake in....I sealed the bag and for some reason wiped my face with the hand that I was holding the snake with. I immediatly bent over to gag. Dad was like "What's wrong? Are you bit?" Fuck I wish I would have been. When ratsnakes feel threatend they vibrate their tail to mimic a rattlesnake and emit a FOUL smelling odor. This shit is terrible...I can take alot of nasty stuff...but damn...this had my buckling over. So I brought the snake to the house to show grandpa and he goes "That's a copperhead! Kill it." I assured him that it wasn't. I then felt sinister and told my girlfriend "Hey, smell my hand...its smells kind of weird." She sniffed it and gagged and slapped me one good time. It was well worth the laugh. Anyway, so now I have a new pet on my hands. I drove home with him in a small plastic cage in the back seat and felt sick to my stomach the whole drive. The snake was staring at me the whole time vibrating his tail and hissing....striking at the cage wall and emitting that god awful odor. He's going to be a good pet though...he'll tame down and should grow to be about seven foot. I don't have a name for him yet....any ideas?

So I finally did it. I got a puppy. I've been talking to Neka lately about getting a dog...because, I just kind of go crazy without one. I love dogs, they're always there for you...they understand me and I understand them. Anyway, I saw this sign when me and Neka were at the store "Pit Bull Pups for sale 1 male 1 female $25. We took the sign and went over the next day to look at them. An elderly black woman came to the door and explained that they were her sons dogs and she couldn't afford to keep anymore. Her backyard consisted of 7 other adult pit bulls all chained to trees on a 4 foot food. And you could tell that the owner of these guys were fighting them. The pups were a beautiful fawn color the male had a black mask and the female had no mask. I picked the male up and decided I would take him home....I got up the road a little ways and looked at Neka and she had the sad puppy I turned around and she picked up the female. We brought them home and gave them both flea baths...they were both full of fleas. I gave them the look over and noticed that their gums and tongue were pale. I thought that maybe it was from being dehidrated out there for so long. Later on that day my dog (Noobus is his name) got car sick and threw up a large roundworm (oooh nasty). So I wormed him and told my girlfriend that her pup (Katana) probably has them as well. Well, Noobus is 100% better but Katana has been to the vet 3 times already, she won't eat or drink and she's always dehydrated. She said the vet sounded like she didn't think she was going to make it. But today Katana was playing and bouncing around like a pup should. Anyway, I hope she keeps getting better, she's such a sweetie. She loves to curl up on your neck and sleep. Noobus just likes to eat and bite...he's gonna be my tough guy guardian. Pics coming soon.

I'm trying to get a job back in Shiner so I can move back. We've been looking at rent houses and all that jazz. I'm pretty stoked about it. But I just really want to get the ball rolling and out of this slave house that I'm in right now. Speaking of slave's late and I have to get ready for it tomorrow. Sorry to cut this short. Goodnight.


At 10:40 AM, Blogger -miss useless- said...

and people make fun of me because im deathly afraid of spiders...after that picture, im not sure i can ever look at a spider the same way again...


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