Pull a rabbit out of a .....ummm...middle of a road?
So tonight was fun. Nothing particularly exciting happend. But me and Mr. RB hung out....there is nothing to do in this cursed town but go to Kloesols. We drove there and had one beer and came back. That place is depressing. BUT...Mr. RB was with me. I will take good conversation over petty games and drama any day. Which is exactly why I had a good time. Good relationships (may they be friends or girlfriends)are all based on good communication. I love talking. Talking about everything...finding out differant perspectives and learning. It's the only way you can learn...through communication. I often get this line from my women..."you ask too many questions." Well that's because I want to know...it's as simple as that. I need someone who loves to learn about one another and other things and has fun doing it. That's the best part....it isn't about sex or lovey dovey (although those are good too) it's about having fun discovering one another. If you can meet someone and right off the bat say "eh, I read that one already." Take my advice, cast it aside and try something new. I do not have many friends...but the ones I have have infinate wisdom that I can constantly learn from. That's what keeps it going...stimulation of the mind. So me and RB talked alot about alot of things. When we went to Kloesols, and the enviornment was bad (as always)...wasn't stimulating at all...so we left. I love that.
So when it was all over, I was driving home and happen to accidently hit a jack rabbit on the way. "Aw fuck." So I backed up to check and see if I killed it. I found it in the ditch with his head up staring into my headlights. I got out of my car and walked up to him. He tried to scramble away but I have broken his hips and he couldn't move anything but his front paws. What a shame. What was I to do? I popped my truck and screwed together my 3 foot heavy metal rod thing. I walked up to the rabbit...told him I was sorry and whacked him one good time behind the neck. It was instantly dead...no twitching or anything. I picked him up, and put him in the back of my car. If there's one thing my dad ever tought me it's...."Don't kill it unless you plan to eat it." So I took the rabbit home, skinned it out and put it in the freezer. Perhaps tomorrow, the family will have a nice suprise of eating some fresh rabbit. Redneck? Sure. Call it what you will...but it's not a wasted kill. And it is the way I was raised. Such a beautiful animal. It's always more beautiful when it's wild.

Don't you agree? But still...what a shame.
Sometimes I look at people and wonder their fate. Some, you can look at and easily tell. This is also a shame. I just wanted to say that.
Thailand is coming up fast. But sadly...my money is dropping on account of my car. Flat tires, insurance, monthly payment. I really need to get rid of it soon if I plan on making the trip by May...which is my goal.
We saw a bar fight tonight...pretty funny in my eyes. THINGS TO DO IN THIS TOWN: Drink, Screw, Fight, Gossip, Work, and Hunt. Sad but true. Lack of stimulation brings lack of mind. Which is why the library in Shiner is only open 2 or 3 days a week. The closest decent bookstore is in Victoria...and there is a Waldens in the mall (the main nerve), and a Hastings. I enjoy going to hastings and seeing what types of books they have and also watching the people in the differant sections and drawing conclusions about them. The most interesting people and most intelligent I found are the ones that check out many books of many subjects...but have no social life....you can tell by their seclusive instinct when nearing them and usually on how they dress. How else can they in this place? Another way I've observed this is waiting in line and seeing people like this and their bad social skills toward the cashier. Not neccisaily bad....but, they're not "normal." For instance saying off the wall things to the cashier like "what do you think the universe is really like?" Which in my book...is very good. I think people are degrating too much to "trends." Everyone's asking themselves "what's cool?" When they should be asking "What do I think is cool?" When you ask yourself instead of everyone else, I think you live a much more fruitful life.
Lately I've been spending much of my time alone. It's great. Trips by myself to a movie...just a drive with good music....A walk will my lovely pit bull (don't let the breed fool you, he's a gentile giant) Noobus. I love to go to social places by myself and watch my surroundings...all the happenings...the interesting and not so interesting conversations...drama of couples...a parent yelling at his kids...women contemplating a buy on a vanity item...the salesmen's blank greetings (they say "hello, is is there anything I can help you with?" But you can tell by the light in their eyes that they are working off of a trained robotic phrase...the wheel is turning, but he hampster is dead)...young high school kids trying to be goth...young high school girls wearing "in style" furry boots and showing them off...high school kids just trying to be differant just to scream out "Pay attention to me dammit!" ..etc. Life. It's great. No matter how vain...how utterly pathetic. People try to hard to try to get attention...all trials done by the physical. It's interesting. All animals do it...but humans...what a weird breed. We have our instincts....little left but their there. The yawn, sex drive..ummm. yeah. can't really think of anymore. Here's a hidden one that most people don't notice. It is common in lizards to bob their head in differant ways to communicate. In humans there is an instict that most people don't notice..but it's there. When you see someone you know very well you nod up at them....when you see someone who you don't know..you nod down at them. I always found that interesting.....fucking A! I'm going on a rant. Anyhow...I probably need to get to bed. Until next time.
-The Beast
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