Well, I'm 22 now. Rockin'. No change really. Just another number....kind of pisses me off though. I really thought by the age 22 I could grow a nice beard if I wanted to *shakes fist at God*. I'm such a kid. haha.
Ummmm....what else, my ferret Petunia was killed when we moved to Austin by Toben...sad story, that I WILL NOT go into. We're thinking about adopting another dog since our Petunia is gone now. I've been checking out the local shelters to see if I can find any puppies. Nat really wants a pup. But I wouldn't mind getting an adult.....the adults always stay in the shelter the longest, I always feel sorry for the guys.
And now for my vent....drum roll please.
Drama really makes me mad. I don't know if I'm a selfish person or an emotionally numb bastard but I really really really don't give a shit about other people's problems 85% of the time. Because 85% of the time it's all bullshit. I'm sorry, that's just the way I am I guess. When I have a problem (forgive my cockiness) I always consult myself before others and NEVER sulk to anyone. It's pretty simple...if you have a problem, look for what caused it, try to fix it...if you have trouble, ask for help...if you still can't fix it...learn to deal with it until it fixes itself. There is absoulutly no need for drama. I see drama as a cheap, dirty way to get attention. Because there are alot of people out there who really put forth effort into trying to "help" someone but in turn they're only being used and sucked of their energy and perhaps into the spiral of Mr. Dumbass's drama. (By the way when I say drama...I'm defining it as: stupid social bullshit that is easily avoided.) NOTICE!!! Try talking to a drama king\queen in a happy, cheerfull manner. They'll disguard you as their victim and move on to someone who will succumb to their sulk. I have no interest in watching a "play" in which I know of all the roles and lines of the other characters before it even starts....it pisses me off quite frankly.
Ok kids, that's todays vent. Now it's time for bed. Now that I got this blog finally rolling again, hopefully I'll update it more often.
P.S. This post makes me look like a dick doesn't it?