Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Renaissance Poo Poo

Renaissance fest was a big shit and a half. I don't think I'll ever go again. It was basically the same as last year. There are alot of meatheads there. It should be called the drunk/show me your boobies fest. It just gets old pretty quick. I got stranded there because Nate drove home all drunk instead of staying the night like a responsible boozehound. Anyway, it was fun for the first few hours...and then I just kept thinking..."man I can't wait to get home and go to sleep." I'm such a pussy. This weekend I have off and I have no plans. Which is great. I can do anything I want.
Oh yeah Natalie's grandparents gave me and Nat a free weeks vacation in Colorado. But...I don't think that work will give me off since it will be in December during the holidays. Oh why does life have to revolve around money? If work does give me off I don't know if we'll go anyway....Natalie's all for it...but, I want to spend Christmas with the family like always. I'm too much of a family chum....Especially around Christmas.
As for the animal of the month I've been studying...well...the beastmaster has been busy. I've been researching rats. Facinating creatures. The most inteligent rodent in the world. In fact, in Africa they are using them to find mines. They learn faster than dogs and are better at finding mines than them as well. Very interesting this is. They can learn to come when called and actually accept humans into their rat society...I mean, treat a human as one of their colony members. Reminds me of that movie Willard. I've gotta rent that hoe again....good movie. Anyway....that is all.


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